Sunday, October 14, 2007

Voters Reject MMP

I’m all for changing our electoral voting process. Clearly I’m not happy with the way things turned out with this referendum.


First off, I’m legally of age to vote in Canada. However, I heard nothing about a referendum for changing our electoral process in Ontario. It was news to me the day before the election. I’m pretty aware of things that occur to Canadians, not only locally, but nationally as well. To be honest, the referendum was not publicized enough! Who do I blame for that? Election’s Ontario.

Apparently, millions were spent on the ‘advertising’ and ‘awareness campaigns’ that they executed. But when you have people at the polls asking what it’s about, obviously not enough people were notified efficiently.

Sure, you can spend millions of dollars in advertising and gaining awareness.. But you have to do it effectively. These words that start with ‘e’ are pretty accurate for something Election’s Ontario didn’t do, right? That’s a lot of dough to dish out for such poor results.

I bet that most people out of the 63% of Ontarians that rejected the vote did so because they didn’t know what the referendum was about!! Next election, I would like to see more people notified about the way our electoral process works. I really hope that more Canadians (especially Ontarians) can be sufficiently notified and educated on what’s happening in Canada.

This was pretty funny stuff. Politicians do make for good comedy!

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