Sunday, November 25, 2007

Perez, Perez, Perez....

Perez Hilton has gained notoriety and fame by exploiting people’s lives. He is a notch under the paparazzi scum that infiltrates famous peoples’ lives. He created a website that epitomizes “celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton”.

I think it is very sad that someone can become “famous” and make a living writing about other people and their misfortunes, just because they are “famous”. He makes money off of advertising and gets other people to send him tips. This is very similar to sites like, but on a much smaller scale.

For example, Perez has been known to talk about particular celebrities, such as Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Tara Reid and Lindsay Lohan. There is no such thing as bad publicity, right? These stars may beg to differ.

There is a clause in our charter of rights and freedom (and in the US, their constitution) that protects our right to freedom of speech. But it also states that our personal security should be protected as well. This is always not the case with the paparazzi. So why should Perez Hilton be any different? When he could possibly be ending these peoples’ careers by posting very private, comprising pictures or information, where can one draw the line?

Having a personal blog where you can vent your frustrations or voice your opinions on certain issues is great. But when you start to interfere with other peoples’ lives and livelihoods, then the issue should be addressed.

Watch this video. This guy makes a living off of this stuff. WOW.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Airport Taser Death

This is probably one of the most controversial and atrocious acts that has happened in Canada by our law enforcement. After reviewing the video of his death, I was shocked to see how they could have justified the actions they took to contain the polish immigrant.

The poor guy was sitting in the airport for 10 HOURS. I’m not sure under what basis he was being held for, but I’m pretty sure even in that length of time I could find an interpreter. And how hard is it to announce the guy’s name (it’s right on his passport….) over the intercom to see if he had any family or friends waiting for him? And I could understand his frustration and the methods he took to get peoples’ attention.

I’m not exactly sure what the standard procedure for the containment of a very frustrated and panicked immigrant by the RCMP is, but the first action they took was to the extreme. When they police arrived (and at this point, he was calm), he just raised his hands, and walked very slowly away from them. At this point, they felt it would be a good idea to taser him. Are you KIDDING me? All they had to do was ask him to put his hands behind his back, cuff him and bring him to the nearest precinct.

While being tasered, you could obviously tell he was in a great amount of pain. And one would assume a person being tortured by this pain would fight back. But would it really warrant him being tasered again, along with a police officer kneeling on his neck and head? NO.

I really hope the RCMP changes their policy for this kind of situation. I can understand airport security, but this was just inhumane and to the extreme. I feel very sorry for his mother, who had not seen her son for a very long time. And will not be able to ever again because of the procedures that the RCMP took. No compensation will bring her son back, but I hope she receives something.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Tabs: Women and Gossip

There most definitely is a double standard when it comes to the tabloids and gossip. Women unquestionably get most of the attention.

Why, you ask? Women are the ones that actually care about what ‘famous’ people do with their lives. As a male, I really don’t care if Jennifer Aniston got a new haircut or if Lindsay Lohan is going to rehab for her 12th time. I don’t even care if they’re talking about a guy: if Owen Wilson tried to commit suicide again, I would feel sorry for him, but I wouldn’t want to keep reading it in the tabloids over and over.

Famous males are kind of expected to mess up and party. The one thing tabloid people look for in a guy that could cause any sort of controversy is a sexist/racist remark. Why does this happen? Because females want to hear and see about what happens to other females. I guess they want to see that these pretty, rich girls are just as capable to screw up as they are. Who knows?

All I know is, people, whether they are male or female, should be much more concerned with what’s going on with their own lives than other people messing up theirs. Women can keep watching and reading their tabloids, but I’ll take my Monday night football over that anyday. This young girl obviously thinks otherwise:

Sunday, November 4, 2007


NBC seems pretty bitter. They jumped onto the Apple bandwagon, only to find out that it wasn't a good idea unless you're Apple. To be completely honest, this is wholly NBC's fault. I would hardly call this a blemish on Apple's reputation. I would solely blame chief executive Jeff Zucker.

Sure, Steve Jobs may just be a control freak. But look where that got him, right? Apple's market dominance can be compared to Microsoft's reign in the 90's. Steve Jobs kind of has the "Mida's Touch" right now - everything turns to gold!

This takes us back to Jeff Zucker. It's alright to point out some mistakes that Apple has made, but to full out bash them was not a good idea. I mean, it's bad enough to bash them. But when you start issuing untrue allegations, it just looks really bad on your part. Saying Apple has “killed the music industry in terms of pricing”? C’mon Jeff, do your research buddy!

When Zucker also states that Apple owes NBC a cut of its iPod hardware sales – you have to be kidding, right? How did this guy become the President and CEO of a company that does $16 billion in revenue?

After doing a little research on the guy, I am shocked that such an intelligent, educated man could say such public, irrational statements about such a successful company.

Zucker is going to have to make up for this. It would probably be a good idea to mend things with Apple. I would be concerned if I was a board member and Zucker continually got into confrontational situations like this, especially with powerhouses like Apple.

This was a random video I found on YouTube. Zucker, hope you find your next show (besides Heroes) really quickly!