Sunday, November 25, 2007

Perez, Perez, Perez....

Perez Hilton has gained notoriety and fame by exploiting people’s lives. He is a notch under the paparazzi scum that infiltrates famous peoples’ lives. He created a website that epitomizes “celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton”.

I think it is very sad that someone can become “famous” and make a living writing about other people and their misfortunes, just because they are “famous”. He makes money off of advertising and gets other people to send him tips. This is very similar to sites like, but on a much smaller scale.

For example, Perez has been known to talk about particular celebrities, such as Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Tara Reid and Lindsay Lohan. There is no such thing as bad publicity, right? These stars may beg to differ.

There is a clause in our charter of rights and freedom (and in the US, their constitution) that protects our right to freedom of speech. But it also states that our personal security should be protected as well. This is always not the case with the paparazzi. So why should Perez Hilton be any different? When he could possibly be ending these peoples’ careers by posting very private, comprising pictures or information, where can one draw the line?

Having a personal blog where you can vent your frustrations or voice your opinions on certain issues is great. But when you start to interfere with other peoples’ lives and livelihoods, then the issue should be addressed.

Watch this video. This guy makes a living off of this stuff. WOW.

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