NBC seems pretty bitter. They jumped onto the Apple bandwagon, only to find out that it wasn't a good idea unless you're Apple. To be completely honest, this is wholly NBC's fault. I would hardly call this a blemish on Apple's reputation. I would solely blame chief executive Jeff Zucker.
Sure, Steve Jobs may just be a control freak. But look where that got him, right? Apple's market dominance can be compared to Microsoft's reign in the 90's. Steve Jobs kind of has the "Mida's Touch" right now - everything turns to gold!
This takes us back to Jeff Zucker. It's alright to point out some mistakes that Apple has made, but to full out bash them was not a good idea. I mean, it's bad enough to bash them. But when you start issuing untrue allegations, it just looks really bad on your part. Saying Apple has “killed the music industry in terms of pricing”? C’mon Jeff, do your research buddy!
When Zucker also states that Apple owes NBC a cut of its iPod hardware sales – you have to be kidding, right? How did this guy become the President and CEO of a company that does $16 billion in revenue?
After doing a little research on the guy, I am shocked that such an intelligent, educated man could say such public, irrational statements about such a successful company.
Zucker is going to have to make up for this. It would probably be a good idea to mend things with Apple. I would be concerned if I was a board member and Zucker continually got into confrontational situations like this, especially with powerhouses like Apple.
This was a random video I found on YouTube. Zucker, hope you find your next show (besides Heroes) really quickly!
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